Body Logic Twickenham Ltd aims to be a quality provider, offering specialised Physiotherapy and associated services.  We have received zero formal complaints since 2005.

If, for any reason, you are unhappy with the treatment or service you have received, you can make a complaint.  We will ensure that it is dealt with in a thorough, sensitive and confidential manner.

How we manage complaints:

  • Our aim is to resolve complaints as quickly as possible, with an immediate verbal response by frontline staff.
  • We will ensure that all complaints are handled promptly, openly and thoroughly.
  • Our complaints procedure will be fair to the complainant and staff.
  • We will ensure the process is supportive and without blame, leading to improved standards of service, patient safety and care.

Who can complain?

A complaint can be made by a patient. A complaint can also be made by someone acting on behalf of the patient or person, if they have the patient’s written consent.

What is the time limit for making a complaint?

You should complain within 6 months of the event.

Who should I complain to initially?

The first stage of our complaints procedure is ‘Local Resolution’. Your complaint should be made verbally or written to the individual staff member who provided the service, or to Body Logic Twickenham Ltd.

Local resolution aims to resolve complaints quickly and as close to the source of the complaint as possible, without the need to make a more formal complaint. Most complaints are due to simple issues of misunderstanding or unforeseen minor errors.

In both instances, verbal dialogue, an explanation and if necessary an apology, can resolve the issue.

How do I make a formal complaint?

If local resolution is not successful or if you feel your complaint requires escalating to a higher authority, you will need to put

your complaint formally in writing (by post or email), either to Body Logic Physiotherapy, Unit A 6A Staines Road, Twickenham, TW2 5A

What is the process for reviewing my complaint?

  • Acknowledgement within two working days.
  • Full response within 14 working days.
  • Any further responses to additional queries within 14 working days.

If, for any reason, we are not able to meet these timescales, we will keep you informed of our progress.