Treating rotator cuff tendinopathy

Are you dealing with rotator cuff tendinopathy? This is the most common cause of shoulder pain. If not treated, it can lead to shoulder weakness, stiffness and long-term problems. Read on to discover how physiotherapy in Twickenham can help ease shoulder pain and get you back to doing what you love as quickly as possible. 

Please bear in mind that although the information and tips in this blog are helpful when treating rotator cuff tendinopathy, for specific advice and guidance, please contact a physiotherapist for a professional assessment.

What is rotator cuff tendinopathy? 

Rotator cuff tendinopathy is a common shoulder problem. It’s generally caused by overuse and overloading of a rotator cuff tendon, particularly in older individuals. However, it can also be caused by trauma.  

The rotator cuff tendon is the tissue that connects your rotator cuff muscles around your shoulder to your upper arm bone and shoulder blade. 

Rotator cuff tendinopathy is characterised by pain. It can sometimes cause reduced range of motion. 

The pain can worsen when you move your arm, which can make everyday tasks, such as reaching upwards, lifting things or carrying objects, more difficult. Even putting your hands behind your back can become painful. In some cases, the pain can spread up towards your neck or further down your arms. 

Understanding shoulder anatomy 

To help you better understand rotator cuff tendinopathy, it helps to know a bit about shoulder anatomy. Your shoulder joint is made up of the collar bone (clavicle), upper arm bone (humerus), and shoulder blade (scapula). This joint is the most flexible joint in your whole body and allows a wide range of movements. 

The rotator cuff is a group of 4 muscles and tendons that attach to your scapula and humerus. It is important for stabilising your shoulder joint during movement. 

What causes rotator cuff tendinopathy? 

Rotator cuff tendinopathy is often caused by a sudden increase in activity, such as repeatedly raising your arms above your head. It can also occur when you don’t give your muscles adequate time to rest, such as in between workouts or when playing sports. Other factors that can affect your risk of developing rotator cuff tendinopathy include increasing age, your activity levels and recent injuries. 

Treating rotator cuff tendinopathy

Physiotherapy seeks to reduce muscle spasm, maintain range of movement and load the tendons appropriately so that they can regenerate and improve their function.

Physiotherapy uses hands-on techniques, including manipulation, mobilisation, muscle and soft tissue techniques to help you maintain your range of movement. 

Get in touch

If you’re dealing with rotator cuff tendinopathy and could benefit from shockwave therapy or physiotherapy, please feel free to call us on 020 8898 1231. We are happy to answer any of your questions or provide more information on how our treatments can bring relief.