Signs of 3 common DIY injuries

Are you a fan of DIY projects? With spring cleaning in full force, it’s common for people to roll up their sleeves and get down to business with DIY blitzes. However, these projects can often lead to sprain and overuse injuries. 

In this blog, we explore 3 common DIY injuries and how we can help you recover as quickly as possible with physiotherapy in Twickenham

Please bear in mind that although the information and tips in this blog are helpful when recovering from DIY injuries, for specific advice and guidance, please contact a physiotherapist for a professional assessment.

Shoulder impingement

Shoulder impingement is a common condition that can occur due to overuse or repetitive movements of the shoulder joint, such as painting overhead or lifting weights. 

This condition is characterised by pain, weakness and aching in the shoulder, particularly when lifting the arm above the head. The pain may also worsen at night.

To manage shoulder impingement, it’s important to modify activities that aggravate your symptoms. It’s also essential to receive an accurate diagnosis from an experienced physiotherapist to determine the best physiotherapy treatment plan. 

Physiotherapy can help reduce pain, improve shoulder strength and restore normal function.

In addition to modifying activity and undergoing physiotherapy, pain relief medications, ice and heat therapy, and even guided steroid injections may also be effective treatment options. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to relieve the impingement.

Overall, managing shoulder impingement requires a combination of lifestyle modifications, appropriate medical treatment, and rehabilitation exercises to prevent further injury and promote healing.

Ankle sprain

An ankle sprain is a common injury that occurs when the ankle twists or turns inward, usually resulting in damage to the ligaments on the outer side of the ankle. 

Symptoms of an ankle sprain can include pain, swelling, bruising, difficulty bearing weight and limited ankle movement. If you’ve sprained your ankle, it’s important to seek treatment to ensure proper healing and prevent further injury. 

Physiotherapy is a common treatment option for ankle sprains, focusing on exercises that help restore ankle movement, strength and balance. Your physiotherapist may also use hands-on techniques to help reduce pain and swelling and promote healing.

In addition to physiotherapy, there are other treatment options that may be helpful for ankle sprains, such as ice and heat therapy, pain relief medications and compression bandages. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the damaged ligaments.

To minimize the risk of ankle sprains, it’s important to wear proper footwear and use caution when participating in activities that put stress on the ankle joint. If you do experience an ankle sprain, seeking prompt treatment and following your physiotherapist’s advice can help you recover as quickly and safely as possible.

Lower back pain

Lower back pain is a common issue that can arise from DIY projects and other activities that involve lifting and bending. When it comes to lower back pain, it’s important to determine the underlying cause of the pain through a thorough assessment by a healthcare professional.

Excessive lifting and bending, especially if you’re not accustomed to these activities, can certainly contribute to back pain.

To prevent lower back pain, it’s important to take breaks and avoid lifting heavy objects all at once. Instead, try breaking down tasks into smaller chunks and using proper lifting techniques.

If you do experience lower back pain, seeking prompt treatment can help alleviate your symptoms and prevent further issues. While rest is important, keeping active can also be helpful in managing lower back pain.

Physiotherapy can be an effective treatment option for lower back pain, with exercises and hands-on techniques aimed at improving range of motion, reducing pain and increasing strength.

In addition to physiotherapy, other treatment options for lower back pain may include pain relief medications, heat and cold therapy, and lifestyle modifications such as weight management and ergonomic adjustments. It’s important to work with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific needs.

Get in touch

If you’ve recently injured yourself while doing a DIY project, we can help you get back to doing what you love with physiotherapy. Please give us a call on 020 8898 1231 to speak to one of our expert physiotherapists about how we can help.