Signs of common rugby injuries

With premiership rugby starting in September, perhaps you’ve been inspired to team up with friends and play more. Unfortunately, since rugby is a fast-paced and high-impact sport, injuries are common on the field. 

If you’ve suffered an injury while playing rugby, we can help. Read on to learn the common rugby injuries you should be aware of and how our experienced physiotherapists can help you recover as quickly as possible from a sports injury in Twickenham

Please bear in mind that although the information and tips in this blog are helpful when dealing with a rugby injury, for specific advice and guidance, please contact a physiotherapist for a professional assessment.

The nature of rugby

If you’ve watched or played rugby, you’ll know that it’s a high-intensity and fast-moving contact sport that involves sudden changes in movement. 

A huge part of the game involves tackling an opponent head on or bearing the brute force of other players. Like with all sports, rugby sports injuries aren’t limited to just professional athletes. It’s important for all rugby players, from elite to amateur, to be aware of rugby injuries. 

Common rugby injuries

Dislocated shoulder

A dislocated shoulder occurs when your arm is rotated outwards and pops out of its shoulder socket. It can happen during a tackle or fall, if you land heavily on your arm. 

Slipped disc 

A slipped disc, also called prolapsed or herniated disc, happens when a soft cushion of tissue between the bones in your spine protrudes. Symptoms can include neck pain, lower back pain, tingling and or numbness in the arms, legs, hands and feet, and muscle weakness. It can occur during rugby due to scrummaging or lifting heavy weights in the gym eg squats and dead lifts so lift correctly. 

Sprains or strains 

A sprain or strain affects the ligaments and muscles, respectively. You can, for example, sprain your ankle or knee ligaments, or strain your hamstring or calf muscle. 

These injuries occur when the muscles or ligaments become overstretched, often resulting from suddenly stopping or starting, changing direction, and falling awkwardly. Symptoms can include pain, swelling and bruising, which can affect whether you are able to put weight on the injured limb. In addition, muscle spasms or cramping can occur. 

How can physiotherapy help?

Physiotherapy can help you get back on the pitch as quickly and as safely as possible. Our highly-qualified specialists understand that sports injuries can often be complex and multifaceted. We work with elite athletes, occasional gym-goers and weekend-rugby players too. Not only will we treat and help you manage your condition, we’ll also provide detailed training advice to aid your return to the field.

Through exercises tailored to your specific injury, our focus will be on rebuilding strength and mobility to reduce the risk of future re-injury. 

Get in touch

If you are dealing with a rugby or sports injury and could benefit from our specialised treatments, please don’t hesitate to get in touch or give us a call on 020 8898 1231. Our expert staff will be happy to tell you more about our treatments and answer any of your questions.